organised by International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI)

Vitality of Juche idea and justness of the Report of the 8 th Congress of the WPK”

Date: March 17 th , 2021

A presentation by Daniel Rugarama,

Chairman of Uganda National Executive Committee, the Pan African Movement,

And Deputy Director, Uganda National Committee for the Study of Juche Idea

Dear, Comrades and Fellow participants

It is a joyous moment for adherents of Juche idea and supporters of the Korean Revolution from Uganda to participate in this Internet International Seminar on Kimilsungism- Kimjongilism .

I would like to take this opportunity to present my compliments to the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI), the hosting body of this Seminar.

And allow me to extend my warm greetings to all participants from all over the world. Also, allow me to congratulate all of you upon holding this Internet International Seminar on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof on the occasion of “the Day of Sun”.

Comrade Kim Il Sung, founding father of the DPR of Korea created the Juche idea during his early struggle against Japanese colonial rule.

Quoting the great works of J.B. MUKHERJEE, in his article “The Social, Economic and Political Ideals of the Great President Kim Il Sung (1983)”, President Kim Il Sung was described as one of the great philosophers of the world, illuminating the road for millions of people in the world Independence, a messiah whom the world people held high and in high esteem …….”

With the energetic ideological and theoretical activities, Comrade Kim Jong Il further developed the Juche idea and formulated Kimilsungism which composes of the Juche idea as its essence in keeping with the need of the new area.

Comrade Kim Jong Un formulated Kimilsungism as Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof as required by the need of Juche era.

General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, H.E. Kim Jong Un said.

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof is an integral system of the idea, theory and method of Juche, and a great revolutionary ideology representative of the Juche era.”

The essence of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof is the Juche idea.

Comrade Kim Il Sung said that man is the master of his own destiny and he has the strength to shape his own destiny. This is the scientific idea and theory which gave the best answer to the position and role of man over the world for the first time in the history of mankind.

The Korean people have vigorously moved forward for achieving their final victory according to the direction guided by Juche idea, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof.

After having gone through twists and turns of fighting imperialism for a long time in the past, African revolutionaries continue to pursue stability and transformation of the continent by Africa itself. It has been able to win the trust and support of people and friends from across the whole world.

It is the ideal and aspiration for humankind to independently live and develop without any domination and subordination. It is because “man is the master of his own destiny and man has the strength to shape his own destiny”.

Korean peninsula issue is now an international concern as one of the most important matter in breaking the myths of imperialism disguising as the police of international community.

This ongoing Internet International Seminar, is being held amidst the great attention and expectation of Korean people, the East Asia Region and all the world progressive people.

I hope it will indeed fortify further solidarity of the people of the region in their struggle for independence and anti-imperialism, make help progressive peoples over the world united and rallied as one against imperialism.

It is well known that the 8 th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which was an important political event in development of the WPK and the Korean revolution, was held in January in Pyongyang, the DPRK.

In the report of the 8 th Congress of the WPK Comrade Kim Jong Un solemnly clarified the revolutionary standpoint that the national defence capability, the cornerstone for the existence of the state and a reliable guarantee for defending the dignity and security of the country and people and peace, should be strengthened continuously.

The report analyzed the fact that although the WPK and the government of the DPRK made well-meant efforts and displayed the greatest patience to prevent the aggravation of the regional tension out of sheer desire to ensure peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world, the hostile nature of the American policy towards the DPRK has gone to extreme, instead of becoming weakened.

It said that nothing was more foolish and dangerous than to idle our time away without steadily building up our strength while knowing well enough that the enemy's high-tech weapons aimed at the state are increasing in volume.

It continued to say i.e. the reality shows that only when we bolster up our national defence capability without a moment's halt will we be able to contain the military threat from the US and achieve peace and prosperity of the Korean peninsula.

Stressing that the strong defence capability of the state never precludes diplomacy but serves as a powerful means to propel it along the right course and guarantee its success, the report gave the analytical conclusion that the reality in the prevailing situation proves once again that there can never be satisfaction in strengthening the military strength.

As long as imperialism remains on earth and the danger of war of aggression by hostile forces against the state remains, the historic mission of the Korean revolutionary armed forces can never be changed and Korean national defence capability must be steadily bolstered along the track of new development.

In terms of peace and security it is considerably well recognized that you can ensure durable peace and security only when you are fully ready in dealing with any kind of threats from outside forces. The world history says that all kinds of wars were broken out whenever the balance of power did not match.

Therefore, the clarification of the report which says that the DPRK will continue to enhance its national defence capability is quite just.

To clearly understand the danger of imperialism, in Uganda (Eastern Africa) alone at the time of independence there were mere 500 (five hundred people) with O – Level and 103 Graduates in a population of 6.5 million. Out of the 103 graduates, there were a few revolutionaries led by the Late John Kakonge who was the only person with a Masters Degree in Economics, who committed intellectual suicide at that time without any provision to mobilize the masses for independence. The British establishment that manned all government and social structures was 19,800 right from the Governor to the lowest catholic parish priest who conducted masses at the village level.

Having withstood the wrath of the western domination history, Africa now is working towards a new vision. Juche idea is the appropriate philosophy to be applied alongside Africa’s Pan Africanism to examine in detail the inevitable goal of transforming society.

Juche, Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof, Juche idea forever remains immortal and its guiding principles are what we as the new generation of African scholars strive to uphold and carry forward for a better future.

The Uganda National Committee for the Study of Juche Idea embarked on a strategic dissemination campaign to popularize the Study of Juche, being an idea that truly reflects the demands and aspirations of the African people in our times.

Comrade Lawrence Mayambala, Country director, Uganda National Committee for the study of Juche idea and my Self have visited in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the land of Juche and witnessed the Juche oriented reality in which the vitality of Juche idea brought.

Today, the world is witnessing a dynamic struggle for achieving the independent development of all countries and nations by rejecting domination and subordination, establishing international relations based on independence and implementing democratization of the international society.

This reality testifies to the validity of the Juche idea, which clarifies the truth that the aspirations of countries and nations for independence can never be checked.

The Juche idea, recognized as a philosophy of independence, maintains that man is the master of his own destiny and he has the strength to shape his own destiny. It correctly reflects the fundamental aspirations of mankind for independence and the trend of the times and provides scientific answers to the important questions arising in carving out the destiny of countries and nations.

Long live Kimilsungism-Kimjongilismof

Long live Comrade H.E Kim Jong Un

Thank you.



Chairman of the Uganda National Executive Committee, Pan African Movement And, Deputy Country Director, Uganda National Committee for the Study of Juche Idea